Board Notes — OSI-US, Thursday, 20 January 2011, 8:00–9:30 PST
Present: Christine Whitney Sanchez, Harold Shinsato, Phelim McDermott, Ed LaBoy, Peggy Holman, Lisa Heft, Douglas Germann, Karen Davis, Suzanne Daigle
Absent: None
Facilitators: Lisa Heft and Christine Whitney Sanchez
Notetaker: Karen Davis
There was an opening minute of quiet time and then individual check-ins.
1. Gift letter (Suzanne)
A draft of gift letter was emailed in AM for review. Suzanne asked for clarification on items of spending: some examples of where $ go included to Haiti and Berlin (Brian scholarship), Access Queen, Ning site, distinct OSI-US website, audio download in process, annual meeting expenses/fee. It was noted that what is important is the energy and resources rather than the $.
Donations to OSI-US can be made online (paypal) or by check sent to Peggy.
Link for our donate page
After 1/24 another draft gift letter will be sent to Board for review before being sent out.
2. Face-to-face Board meeting in Florida (Suzanne)
Suzanne had sent Board a mini slide show of venue, including things she needs to know, i.e. transportation & lodging. As soon as travel reservations are known, let her know itinerary. (Note that Tampa airport is 50 minutes away; Sarasota is 10 minutes although higher flight costs; and St Petersburg is possible if necessary.) Phelim will not know until much later whether he can attend.
3. Board Elections required first meeting of new year
A motion was made to retain current slate of officers with an amendment to add a second Vice President. After a second and discussion, the following were unanimously elected as OSI-US officers for 2011:
President – Lisa Heft
Vice President – Peggy Holman
Vice President – Christine Whitney-Sanchez
Treasurer – Harold Shinsatu
Secretary – Suzanne Daigle
4. Downloadable audio for Understanding OS (Peggy)
Since advice/information on the internet is confusing about downloadable audios, Peggy & Harold will confer (after putting info on list for everyone) and try to figure out what needs to happen. Phelim will also check with his sources.
Christine noted that the DVD of the 2005 Girl Scout convention is available free – and that link can be made to OSI-US.
5. Update on Open Government initiative (Lisa & Christine)
The link that describes Open Government Innovation Summit is
“This initiative is open to all those that are interested in bringing more transparency, public participation, and collaboration to their local/regional/national government wherever they live.”
OpenGov was initiated by Lucas Cioffi. He originally named it as Open Space and posted it on OSList, however, it is not necessarily OS.
The summits will be in May across US and internationally with a focus to dialogue and partnership. These meetings are not designed for action rather for increasing relationships and collaboration between citizens and the people working in local, regional, national governmental agencies - whether working on projects together, skills-building or strengthening relationships.
Open/Gov is mostly volunteers although there are efforts to find sponsorship for the individual teams and the central planning team.
Lisa Heft has taken on a role on central planning committee as a resource for the facilitators on these summit teams. She is also documenting what is working and not working for facilitators in this experiment.
Lucas does have a dialogue software although that is not something he is recommending for the Summits.
6. It was agreed that regular Board calls/meetings will be on 3rd Thursday of each month for 1 to 1.5 hours at 8am PST, 9am MST, 11am EST, 4pm GMT. At each meeting the Board will reconfirm the next meeting based on availability of most members.
Next meeting: Thursday, 17 February (St. Pat Day), 8am PST, 9am MST, 11am EST, 4pm GMT. Call in number is 218-339-4300, code 934546#
BIN for February 2011:
Face-to-Face Board meeting April 1-4, Florida – Suzanne D. & all
Gift Letter – Suzanne D.
Teleconference for OSI-US Membership in Feb/Mar 2010 - Harold S.
Downloadable audio for Understanding OS - Peggy H., Harold S.
Update on U.S. OpenGov Innovation Summits - Lisa H.
Privacy Issues
Virtual Open Space Possibilities
Gabriela Ender's OST Software - Harold S.
Learning Map - Harold S.
Purpose of Boards
Online Web Presence and Identity – Harold S
Loan support Reopened - Karen D.
Home for OSI-US "papers" - hard and soft copies - Peggy H.
Online Bookstore
Potential for Strategic Collaboration in Open Space Community – Christine WS