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February 2011

Meeting Date: 
17 Feb 2011

Board Notes — OSI-US, Thursday, 17 February 2011, 8:00–9:30 PST

Present: Peggy Holman, Douglas Germann, Harold Shinsato, Phelim McDermott, Karen Davis, Ed LaBoy(late)

Absent: Lisa Heft, Suzanne Daigle, Christine Whitney-Sanchez

Facilitators: Peggy Holman

Notetaker: Harold Shinsato There was a moment of silence followed by individual check-ins. 1. Mikk Sarv Karen will touch base with Lisa to find out how things are with Mikk Sarv and if we can help him with his book. The general consensus was that giving to him only because of his personal tragedy wasn't in alignment with our purpose, but that giving to him to help him produce his book would be. The board authorized to give $250 to Mikk to help him with his computer to produce his book if he still needs assistance there. 2. Face to Face board Meeting Apr 2-3-4

Phelim won't be able to make it out to Florida - he might have time to call in. Karen, Doug, Ed, and Christine have their reservations. Karen is arriving the afternoon of Friday, leaving mid-afternoon Monday. Suzanne has info of our comings and goings and our lodging needs. 3. Gift Letter Status

We have received $1445 so far. Phelim said having paypal made it easy to donate. Harold will send out a letter to our database. We will send out another letter to OSList in a week or so. Kickstarter is a crowdfunding website. Phelim used a site like that in the UK with a target of 5000 pounds. Money doesn't go through unless you hit the target within the time slot and it worked to raise the needed funds. Phelim was impressed with how it worked. Another example is 4. Teleconference for OSI-US Membership Feb/Mar 2010

This is not happening in February. Hopefully in March. Karen reported that there is already a group speaking about getting the Open Space Institutes talking to each other. Karen is willing to get me into the conversation. Harold may move the teleconference out past March. 5. WOSonOS 2012

Phelim asked for support on how they've been organizing the WOSonOS in England in 2012 which is well under way. There is a tension between letting other groups provide leadership and hosting, and ensuring the quality of the facilitation. 6. Open Space Web Presence and Identity

The board authorized Harold to buy for the oslist.

Next meeting: April 1-3 in Sarasota Florida Next monthly call: April 21 8am PDT, 9am MDT, 11am EDT, 4pm GMT (3pm if summer time changed). Call in number is 218-339-4300, code 934546#

The "Bin" - Mikk Sarv Benefit - Karen Davis - Face-to-Face Board meeting April 2-3-4, Florida - Gift letter status - Teleconference for OSI-US Membership in Feb/Mar 2011 - Harold Shinsato - Downloadable audio for Understanding OS - Harold Shinsato - Update on U.S. OpenGov Innovation Summits - Lisa Heft - Privacy Issues - Virtual Open Space Possibilities - Gabriela Ender's OST Software - Harold Shinsato - Learning Map - Harold Shinsato - Finances - Purpose of Boards - Loan support - Karen Davis - Home for OSI-US "papers" - hard and soft copies - Peggy Holman - Online Bookstore - Potential for Strategic Collaboration in Open Space Community - Online Web Presence and Identity 

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