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OSI Board Meeting Notes

Meeting Date: 
19 Jul 2015
Note Taker: Linda Stevenson
Participants: Tricia, Harold, Linda, Kevin, Suzanne, Daniel
Moment of Silence and Check – in
Discussion Topics:
VOSonOS 2015:  Suzanne - insight on the power of one person who invites others and the amazing success of the first VOSonOS. 
Action:  Give some financial support for qiqochat to support VOSonOS in Poland and some financial support for WOSonOS in Poland.
Bin Gardening:  Harold - celebrate the accomplishments on the work that has been done; pick up the important things from VOSonOS; big stuff was upgraded to the website; cleaned up the membership data base and membership map; everyone has three roles:  student, doer, teacher; moved onboarding stuff into the website; would like bin to be made public and visible on the website.
Action:  Suzanne will have a conversation with Karen about making the bin public.
Agile Open Space Guild:  Harold – keeps on going!
OSI Membership:  Harold – Encourage people to become members and ask for an annual amount and go $50. recommended with a $15. minimum.
Board Membership:  Kevin – have elections reflect the dynamic of the community; Harold – board membership rules vs. Anne Stadler’s “committed conveners”
Action:  Invite Anne Stadler and others to share wisdom and check out Anne Stadler video on the OSI website.
OSI and Institutes Around the World:  Suzanne – introspection for OSI on Artur’s comments at VOSonOS; need to be cautious with tax status; want to be inclusive.
Action:  Have a good discussion on institutes around the world.
Clear vision and mission:  Tricia – we’re not just supporting a board; we are serving a vision and mission; Harold – complicated and a lot of the community views us in this model of board hierarchy – do we need to rename ourselves?  Initially, there was a lot of community input to form the institute, and we need to return to this to avoid the impression of hierarchy while keeping to the rules and commitment; Tricia – make the bin public, and let people self-select if they want to come to a meeting – an ongoing market place; Harold – start with making Trello public; Suzanne – it should be reviewed before going public; Kevin – just do it.
Action:  Suzanne will review it.
Support at the Agile Conference:  Tricia – will ask Joe to make an OSI resusable banner; Suzanne – we will pay Joe.
Next Meeting:  Scheduled for Monday, August 17, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. EDT.

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