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April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 
18 Apr 2023

Board Meeting April 18, 2023

Present: Karen J. Davis, Rijon Erickson, Harold Shinsato, April Jefferson

Before we started, April mentioned having just been invited to facilitate an online open space "Agilists for the Planet", coming this weekend. It is a bil-lingual open space. Microsoft Translator supports dialog as opposed to translation.


Themes: New life in the community, things to grieve, future of work every language is the right language, add to the principles, lots of chaos and confusion, strong threads of life and beauty, taking on too much, taking a pause because of other things, making space for the ebb and flow, grateful for the space, joy being with you all, in the process of moving on.

New Board Members

Karen is announcing that she will be leaving, but not this month. She will be here at least one more month, but will be gone by the end of the year. April is choosing a time to honor Karen in a meetup. They will set up a time outside the meeting. We discussed other possibilities to invite to the board. Would be great to have younger folks as well as people who have been in the community for a while, and ideally bring people beyond the Agile software community.

Sponsorships - AONW 2023, and Grieving & Thriving

Both events went well. About 80 for AONW, three day event. One day event, about 16, Harold felt it was the best of the 4 events, 3 open space events.


Rijon and Harold started the "Front Porch Virtual Conversation". Porchlandia. Open Space Living Room. Susan Liao. I know fewer people from older people. Have two people, an elder and a newbie.

A direction of the board. Regular evening news. Talks about all the open space events going on.

Retreat Open Space

We could pivot to something where Rijon could do it. The soonest would be late August. Susan would prefer to thinking about the fall. Rijon needs to think about talking to his family. Might look into Asheville, NC.

Open Space Institute-U.S.

More consideration was given about extending the institute's focus beyond the United States. Our reach is already global. The official name is already Open Space Institute, we are only adding the U.S. as a doing-business-as (DBA).

Checkout 7:30pm

themes: productive, like an open space, everything covered, pleased and happy, already miss you, here now.

Next Meeting May 23, 2023 6-7:30 pm edt

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