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March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 
21 Mar 2023

Board Meeting March 21, 2023

Present: Rijon Erickson, Harold Shinsato, Karen J. Davis, April Jefferson


We started with a moment silence followed with check-ins.

Check-in themes: spring juice, trampoline and MInecraft play with a 4 and an 8 year old, messages on OSList vibes, potential in our circles, education, Autumn is new in Chile, connecting with good friends, Claudia Raffo, opening a lot of space, closing space moving out of an apartment, showing up in daily work with open space empowering with voice to challenge, joy, where the heart of things are, playing in having unique spaces to open space, campsites, help with dialog.


We reviewed our current financial status. OSI-US members can see this information on request. We feel it better not to publish online.

Peace and High Performance 2023

We need to release the proceedings for OSPHP, and we can review the financials from the event to close the books on the event.

We discussed releasing the Harrison Owen talk, which was controversial because of language used in the talk. We plan to avoid the need for this dialog in the future to just make clear we are publishing the event proceedings as well as the video made during any planned talks from Harrison Owen (or anyone else). We will make this clear on future registration pages.

What is open space? We release the proceedings immediately. We don't foster understanding without dialog.

April offered a proposal that we value openness and transparency that respects conversation. We changed the About page on the website to include "The OSI-US has a continuing unconditional commitment to openness and transparency in all dialog and conversations."

Sponsorship for Agile Open Northwest 2023

The board approved a $500 sponsrship for AONW 2023 online.

Sponsorship for Grieving and Thriving - Science and the Arts - Together at the Edges

The board approved a media (free) sponsorship for the online Open Space for the latest Grieving and Thriving series.

Front Porch Chat Virtual Conversations

Rijon and Harold are hoping to be making more videos, finally working on the "Front Porch Chat Virtual invitation" item as a series on our YouTube channel. April and Susan were live on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. They used Restream for it. It went really well. April and Ellen Grove do something and say yes, around games. Karen referenced Saul Alinksy, Rules for Radicals, if there's energy in the community, you encourage it. That's all you need is one percent.

We could record our board conversations. We show love and respect for oen another. What it's like to live it.

Open Space in 2023

Get something going Get out in the air to be with people. We could convening in Charlotte, NC to acommodate some folks. We could try to find a group campsite. Reserve multiple sites next to each other. Over the DC/Maryland/Virginia area. Island lots of wild horses. A campsite too there. We'll continue the conversation about an in person smaller open space retreat next board meeting.


Themes: excitement. joy in our voices for what is possible. beautiful. delicious possibilities. love into them. repeating the same things and moving more rapdily when we're ready.

Next meeting April 18, 2023

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