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Annual Membership Meeting January 14, 2023

Meeting Date: 
14 Jan 2023

2023 Annual Member Meeting OSI-US

Welcome To the Annual Member Meeting for the Open Space Institute of the United States
Who is a member? You can be a member by signing up at our website, but whether or not you are a formal member - whoever comes is the right people!
Started after the evening news for day 2 of Opening Space for Peace and High Performance - at about 3:40pm est.
Who came: Harold, Susan, Rijon Erickson, Dr. Rain Warren, Paul Levy, Marc Trudeau, Charlie Colpitts, Karen J. Davis

Minute of silence

Check-in Themes: tired, excited about new board energy, lots of ideas, happy if this is short, my dog giving space, called out of the bath suddenly and extra soak before getting out of lots and lots of open space, sparking feelings wondering what am I what to welcome in, here is where my feet are taking me, glad that folks are glad and that we're here, and life is here, admiration of Dr. Rain's talk how Harrison transformed who she was being, who do I need to be to have an impact like Harrison's, afraid of getting push back for being perceived as contributions being inappropriate, wondering what the board is up to.


Harold gave a quick update of our efforts, most of which through the year, and where we have the most impact is in the Peace and High Performance open space conference, once a year in January. We're doing well financially. We have 2 new board members in 2022, and we lost one, currently at five board members. Our other efforts include the maintenance of the website,, where all our proceedings from our meetings can be viewed. We fund and support the OSList (, an email list operating since the late nineties. And we have been hosting the OSHotline zoom meeting that happens on Tuesdays for quite a few years, right now with the help of our member Charlie Colpitts.


There was concern about transparency. This isn't really that we're hiding, it's that we're not that high profile and we are a small board. Our activities are details on the website proceedings page, and there is even more detail there on Trello which is fully viewable.

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