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December 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 
20 Dec 2022

Board Meeting December 20, 2022

Present: Harold Shinsato, Rijon Erickson, April Jefferson, Karen J. Davis, Susan Liao.

Peace & High Performance 2023

We’ve had no registrations. There was a database issue that Harold fixed last week. We’re thinking it best to pivot to online. We will forfeit the $4000 deposit. All board members agreed. Karen will contact International House to cancel our facilities contract.

For the event, we should have someone on the board volunteering to be a support on each day. Ask for volunteers from the participants as this is a training, and offer someone as a support. The technology can overwhelm. Susan went through that process last year, and appreciated that support as well as the opportunity to jump.

Help with production. Put out an invitation there.

Meeting weekly. We'll meet again next week same time. Rijon will help day 1. Susan day 2. Harold or April as producer. As co-facilitation, whatever you need.

Another Open Space

Perhaps we could copy what April did just recently with an intimate 15 person open space as a retreat renting a big house in Florida. We could host an event as an open space retreat for facilitators or practitioners on the Oregon coast, or somewhere in the Seattle area, or anywhere.

Next Meeting December 27, 6-7:30pm EST

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