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November 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 
15 Nov 2022

Board Meeting November 15, 2022

present: Karen J. Davis, Harold Shinsato, Rijon Erickson, April Jefferson, Susan Liao


Themes: tired, long days, long travel, timing, peace and high performance, lots of meetings, lots of open space themed events and planning, local and remote, not space for open space, Iceland is like open space, Arizona.

Harold will take notes. Rijon is bin gardener.

Peace and High Performance 2023

The board worked together during the meeting to craft a health policy statement for the event registration page. Victor from I.H. said the VP of another group is taking a similar approach. The other change was the new location was included in the contract and the right dates. Needs: on Sunday there is no food service provided. The coffee service all day. The voucher will be 11 dollars, slightly raised. It might be possible to bring sack lunches for everyone. Or maybe we just need to send people out to restaurants.

Susan will help with the food stuff.


Themes: Comfortable. Timely. Pretty awesome. Very quickly. Mobbing on writing. Love for our beautiful community. peace. wholeness health and harmony for all of you I wish you. Brightness.

Next Meeting December 20 6-7:30pm


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