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October 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 
18 Oct 2022

Board Meeting Minutes October 18, 2022

Present: Harold Shinsato, Rijon Erickson, Susan Liao, April Jefferson


Checkins after 7. Themes: Agile Open Camp, Thermodynamics of Emotion Open Spaces, Tricia Chirumbole and embodied community practices like Ecstatic Dance, Marai Kiele, Scrum Beyond Software, people I want to travel with, several races at once, enjoy cadence of once a month just being with those who love open space, north star values, joy & balance, Making space for more open space, not feeling guilty in a room not feeling a connection that I can leave, lean agile coaching full time job after 10 years independent. Liberation.

Thermodynamics of Emotion

The Thermodynamics of Emotion Symposium is an annual 3 day open space event. The last one was beautiful as an in person one in Portland, a week and a half ago. Harold attended. Diana Larsen facilitated, very experienced facilitator. Even though it was small, a powerful theme and sincere attendees makes a great experience.

Peace and High Performance 2023

We discussed the event and especially our health process. We thought about a health policy something like the following: Concerning any health concerns you have coming to the in-person event, in alignment with Open Space principles: We ask that all attendees take what ever precautions they deem necessary to protect themselves and others, be respectful, and take responsibility for what you need to take care of your well being in all ways. If you are sick stay home. If your immune system is weak, consider masking and maintaining distance or attend online.

The event will be January 13-15, 2023.

We’re planning for hybrid. Deduct the cost of food. (about $75). If there are rooms inaccessible online, that reduces the value of the online attendance. 3 kinds of rooms.

We’re okay with going forward. Harold will check in with Karen.

Checkout 7:30 pm edt

Checkout themes: elated. excited. time together. got stuff done. fun. we rock. grateful for wisdom of the board. tired. joy in the openspace we had here, letting conversation and dialog around tough things. look at being true to the spirit of open space and what we do. hacking it in this world. learning through each of us. inspired. appreciative of emerging dialog. energy concerns and joys in room.

Next Meeting

November 15, 2022. 6-7:30 pm est.


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