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October 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 
19 Oct 2021

OSI-US Board Meeting October 19, 2021

In attendance Karen J. Davis, Harold Shinsato, April Jefferson, Myriane Ouellette

Minute of silence and then check-ins.

Women In Agile Sponsorship

The Women in Agile online in QiqoChat was a beautiful space. It was wonderful seeing OST community from OSList popped in supporting people. The first circle was global. All facilitators were new. April felt honored to have them. She is planning the Future of Work, 24 hour open space. Excited for a new iteration which will be the third year and giving facilitation opportunities to other people. She is walking in the vision where others are owning it.

Our sponsorship wasn't a financial sponsorship. It was a media sponsorship. Our community showed up and it was nice. Attendees appreciated that. It helped support them. Other communities showed up. 149 registered. Beatuiful space (nice art work). A global team supporting it. Learned how to create a store as a fund raiser. Learned a lot about how to make QiqoChat look beautiful. April has made a lot of spaces and this is her favorite. They had a graphic recorder live in the spaces attended.

We are excited by the Agile Open initiatives for the Agile Alliance.

Peace and High Performance

Some are working with Karen on next year's Opening Space for Peace and High Performance.  There is excitement.

WonderMe and StormBoard was used last year for the online QiqoChat Peace and High Performance (PHP). We might consider Miro. The subscription is reasonable, something like $20 a month. Miro doesn't work for screen readers. Padlet does allow screen readers. When people register we can ask about that. Karen and April will speak more after this meeting. Karen believes it will make a big difference. One of the biggest things she learned, How can we keep meeting? We can improve upon the circle to share it with our community during the event so it's not just staying there stagnant. We can share it with people there to have a more engaging community. We can use QiqoChat to realize the vision we had in our mission and vision work. We can talk to Lucas to have an OSList integration.

Karen had hoped to get the dates fixed on the calendar but it's not done yet. When we create the date and the length of time, that is all we need.

Look for people in our community for graphic recording. Like with Flourishing Futures, people in the community want to help out. Just because you could do it, doesn't mean you should. Always we want to put a call out to get help to put this on. Suzanne Daigle set up the four of us to set up roles. (Karen, April, Suzanne, Myriane). January 14-16, 2022 will be the dates. Would be helpful to have the start and end times since this is an online event. Karen isn't sure what role that Harrison will be willing to take for a morning talk or something.

New Board Members

A new candidate was discussed.

Next meeting Tuesday November 16, 2021. 6-7:30pm EST

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