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OSI-US Board minutes
OSI-US Board minutes – January 27, 2014
5:30pm EST via: Skype video chat
1. Linda Stevenson
2. Karen Davis
3. Suzanne Daigle
4. Chuni Li
5. Tricia Chirumbole
6. Harold Shinsato
· Item closed: Doug has officially ended his term as an active member of the OSI-US board
o Dougwill continue to be invited to monthly board calls and can participate as an emeritus member at his discretion.
o Suzanne Daigle will produce a certificate to honor Doug for his service – separate item listed on Trello.
· Item closed: Google HRockstars hangout
o OSI board members and other in the OS community have been introduced to the HRockstars Google+ community and a number have joined the group.
o Suzanne, Harold, and Jasmina have participated in HRockstars “live” online TV shows talking about Open Space,
· Update: Practice of Peace books
o OS-US did not go in the red! $85 profit (bulk supply of Twizzlers anyone?)
o Shipped 18 boxes, 16 separate orders, 4 international: 2 Sweden, 1 Norway, 1 France.
o Distributed ~ 20; 20 boxes in Linda’s garage; recycled ~20 boxes.
· Update: Post-WOSonOS 2013 $ transparency
o Did not receive money from Serbia, but Jasmina confirmed that it was remitted.
o Harold has not received any information to this effect.
o 1099s: anything under $600 there is no responsibility to do a 1099
o Suzanne will be in touch with Harold regarding WOSonOS financials
o Item still open until resolved.
· Board decision: Agreed to provide monetary support from OSI-US funds for Aaron Wasserman’s participation in the recent NYC OS on Peace and High Performance.
o Agreed to reimburse Suzanne for her out of pocket support to Aaron, with funds from Serbia, referenced above, when they are received.
§ Suzanne covered $270 for a flight.
o Rationale: Consider Aaron as a representative of large cohort groups – young people/students – that has demonstrated interest in learning about and practicing Open Space.
§ St. Petersburg students, of which Aaron is a part, have a critical mass. Now the University has hired consultants to use Open Space for other purposes – students have the edge as they have previous experience.
§ This is in line with the OSI-US mission, but extends beyond the historical support of international groups.
· Update & Item closed: On-boarding new OSI-US board members
o Chuni Li attached a new document to the board’s Trello space as a reference for on-boarding – it is based on an Art of Hosting document.
o New members, Linda Stevenson and Tricia Chirumbole, agree with Chuni that the item has been adequately addressed and should be considered done until a new member comes on board.
· New item: Harold Shinsato proposes that the board “adopt” the annual NYC Peace and High Performance Open Space as an OSI-US event.
o Harold volunteers to facilitate these efforts
o OSI-US will not take on financial responsibility or risk for the event
o The work done to support the Peace and High performance OS, can be extended to other Open Space on Open Space events, Open Space trainings, or other “public offering” Open Spaces.
§ Details on eligibility pending – not yet listed on Trello.
o Efforts may include: establishing some easy to reuse/replicate processes, such as: online registration process, online payment transaction; and possibly a platform for tying together books of proceedings.
§ Could possibly host on an “OSonOS” URL that someone established.
o The board may participate in other ways such as outreach and marketing
o Mention the possibility of tapping into Access Queen funds – item left open, not formally recorded on trello as a “doing” or “bin” item – note take uncertain as to intent.
o Board can consider how they can coach or support people in organizing events cheaply or for free by providing: website, page on website, coaching to do registration and how to use eventbrite, even use google+ newsroom.
· Offshoot discussion: Ms. Song – China – trained 7000 OS facilitators, at a rate of 700/year
o Ms. Song thought that OS was a big thing in America
o Chinese government are reaching out to assimilate governance principles of OS
o Train community developers, NGOs, etc. – we can do that as well.
· Update: Closing OSi-US online bookstore
o Harold doesn’t have more information to support this decision
o Karen has been in touch with Dave re: the OS bookstore – hopefully she will have information for the next meeting.
· New board member proposal: Propose exploring onboarding new members that may have momentum.
o The board members concur that it would be great to explore new interested parties for the board
o It is proposed that we consider some form of agreement or expectation setting with prospective board members regarding a minimum level of attendance at board meetings. Decide to explore further next time.
· Next meeting: Monday, February 17 – 5:30pm, via skype