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OSI-US Board Meeting Minutes
Participants: Chuni,Doug, Harold,Jasmina,Karen, Linda, Suzanne, Tricia
· Check-in
· Review Bin
Items Discussed
· On-boarding new board members:
o Discuss Chuni’s list of questions about how to on-board members
o Conveying Mission? – It is on the website and gets sent to new members in an email
o Check-in Process/Check-out during board calls – why and how?: anywhere to find this information?
§ Not written anywhere, would have to reach out to old board members – curious about the origin and the theory
§ Purpose of check out: whatever happens is what happens, used as a way for people to say what they haven’t been able to say, talk about how they feel about how session went, etc., many purposes.
§ Action: Karen will work with Chuni on the side to work on something to convey to new members
§ Linda would like to have a new member orientation
§ Action: Linda and Tricia – new members – will talk with Chuni to provide suggestions
§ is where minutes are located
· Completed the OS board elections with a unanimous vote
o President: Suzanne Daigle will remain as President
o Vice President: Tricia Chirumbole will become the new VP
o Secretary: Chuni Li will become the new Secretary
o Treasurer: Harold Shintado will remain as Treasurer
· Received an update from Harold and Suzanne on WOSonOS 2013 reporting and transparency
· Annual Ask-Give Letter
o Action: Decided to add more items to the letter via google docs
§ Discussion about privacy of using Google
§ Will include in note support of OSers in Haiti
· Discussed Practice of Peace book distribution
o Deal: Box of 34 books - $25: $15 to ship, $10 for handling ; internationally: $120
§ Small discount for more boxes, but not much
§ 67 boxes available overall
o ACTION: Linda will be willing to handle the paperwork of orders, conveying to warehouse, and paying for books
o ACTION:Set up a paypal button for people who want to buy, appropriate for the institute to get a little income from this.
o Still paying $50/month as long as books are with Innovative Office Solutions
o Agree to provide books at cost for Jasmina in preparation for WOSonOS 2014
o Give people to the end of the year to buy books, small margin for OSI-US
· OS deep dives
o ACTION: Tricia reported that she planned to announce the deep dive with the OS hotline skype the next day and present the deep dive spreadsheet with a few example topics added by Tricia, but none of the OSI board topics.
§ No objections
· Doug Germann reports that he will resign from the board, effective at the end of 2013.
Next Meeting:
· Oct 21st 5:30pm EDT – plan on using skype with video
o conference line as a backup plan
1. Karen will work with Chuni on the side to work on something to convey to new board members
2. Linda and Tricia– new members – will talk with Chuni to provide suggestions for onboarding
3. All members: can add items to the Annual Ask-Give letter via google docs
o Include information about support of OSers in Haiti
4. Linda will handle the paperwork of orders for Practice of Peace, convey to warehouse, and handle payments.
5. Harold will set up a paypal button for people who want to buy, appropriate for the institute to get a little income from this.
6. Tricia will announce the deep dive with the OS hotline skype and present the deep dive spreadsheet with a few example topics added by Tricia, but none of the OSI board topics.