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Open Space Books, Videos and More

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  • Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World - Shows how to apply the fundamental principles of self-organization – the driving power behind OST’s immense success – not just to a single event but to the day-to-day management and leadership of organizations. Harrison Owen, (Berrett-Koehler, 2008), paperback, 246 pages.
  • Open Space Technology: A User's Guide, 3rd edition - All you ever wanted to know about facilitating an Open Space event. Included are the specifics about time, place, logistics, invitation and follow-up. Special attention is devoted to the preparation of the facilitator. Harrison Owen, (Berrett-Koehler, 2008), paperback, 200 pages.
  • The Practice of Peace, 2nd Edition - Could it be that when Peace in our lives is threatened, a first and critical step might just be -- Open Space? Not just doing an Open Space Event, but also applying what might be called the open space principles in our broader activities? How and why could this possibly work? And what would we do anyhow? Harrison Owen, (Human Systems Dynamics Institute, 2004), paperback, 211 pages.
  • The Spirit of Leadership: Liberating the Leader in Each of Us - Everybody says there is a crisis in leadership. Some would even say that all the leaders have gone. Actually, there is plenty of leadership and it resides in all of us. When nobody is in control we all are. The Spirit of Leadership describes, in very practical terms, the rights, duties, obligations, and opportunities of the new leadership, which is us. Harrison Owen, (Berrett-Koehler, 1999), paperback, 180 pages.
  • The Power of Spirit: How Organizations Transform - Harrison Owen offers his reflections that real transformation does not result from corporate mandate but from the expression of the spirit and passion of the people in the organization. He suggests ways to release this spirit and dissipate the "Soul Pollution"-apathy, stress, and exhaustion-that plagues today's workforce. Harrison Owen, (Berrett-Koehler, 2000), paperback, 260 pages.
  • Expanding Our Now: The Story of Open Space - OST creator Owen offers numerous examples to illustrate the evolution of OST. He explores what it is, how it developed and how and why it works all over the world, for groups of all sizes dealing with a vast range of issues. Owen shows how OST can move organizations to higher levels of performance, without elaborate training or professional facilitators. Harrison Owen, (Berrett-Koehler, 1997), 200 pages.
  • The Change Handbook: The Definitive Resource on Today’s Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems - the most comprehensive guide available to methods of organization and community change. This second edition is designed for quick and easy access to information about high leverage change from today's foremost practitioners. Change methods that systematically involve groups of people create more productive, more personally enriching organizations and communities. While a high-involvement, systemic approach to change sounds appealing, it is tough to achieve. The second edition of The Change Handbook presents 61 proven change methods together in one volume so that readers can learn about the diverse array of approaches being successfully employed today and choose the method that will work best for them. Peggy Holman, Tom Devane, Steven Cady and over 90 international contributors, (Berrett-Koehler, 2007), paperback, 736 pages. more info


  • Circles of Change: a quiet revolution in Haiti / Círculos de Cambio: una revolución silenciosa en Haití - 20 minute DVD - English OR Español. See the story of a grassroots movement that is transforming notions and practices in education and leadership in Haiti and beyond. Through Open Space and Touchstones Discussions (Reflection Circles), the seeds of change are being planted among a new generation of Haitian leaders. (Haitian Creole with English subtitles
  • CONNECTED: Transforming the Conversation at the 2005 Girl Scout National Convention - 16 minute DVD - English. This high energy video tells the story of how a blend of Open Space Technology and World Café were used to bring member voices to the foreground at the 2005 Girl Scout National Convention. Open Space brought self-organization to 1,800 elected delegates and multi-generational Strategy Cafés brought conversations that matter to 3,000 girls and adults.
  • Understanding Open Space - training talks on CD Hear the thinking behind Open Space from its creator, Harrison Owen. This recording was made during the July, 1999 Open Space Technology Facilitation Workshop in Seattle, Washington. These stories, which Harrison tells when introducing Open Space to new facilitators, take OS out of the realm of better meetings and into a different way of being. This 5 CD set includes:
1. Preamble, Role of the Facilitator, Opening Space (An actual event) (70:29)
2. Opening Space for Chaos and Creativity (69:01)
3. Opening Space for the Journey of Spirit (54:50)
4. Opening Space for the Forms of Spirit (67:37)
5. Opening Space for Cultivating Spirit (60:40)
  • US West Open Space- (available on DVD, VHS and PAL) - 16 minute video. If picturing or describing an Open Space event is difficult for you, this video gives you a feel for the experience. It takes you from the beginning of an event held by US WEST through its completion. It also follows several participants back into the work place. In addition, Harrison Owen, originator of Open Space Technology, describes the basics. Through participant interviews, scenes from the event and explanations by Harrison, you will begin to understand the potential of Open Space Technology.
  • Temple Bells - Many practitioners use tibetan temple bells, tingsha, to call people back to silence in the big circle, for the opening, evening news and morning announcements -- as an alternative to shouting or otherwise verbally corralling and convincing people back together. These bells are available at stores most everywhere. If they sell crystals, incense or books on spirituality, they likely sell tingsha, or can tell you who does. It's a good idea to listen to them for yourself and choose a pair that suits you personally, but if all else fails... try this address for online purchase:
  • Genuine Contact Program Session 1: Working with Open Space Technology - This 2-hour Audio Video CD ROM set includes the training components of the Working with Open Space Technology workshop as facilitated by Birgitt Williams. The Video CD can be viewed in your computer to review the various components of Working with Open Space Technology. You could choose to work through the activities annually to deepen your understanding of OST, or view specific components as you prepare for a meeting. Keep the audio CD in your car to listen to on a long drive, plug it into your computer and listen while you work or transfer the files to your iPod. The package also includes a copy of the accompanying Workbook for deeper reflection. Anyone who has completed Open Space Technology training with any facilitator can purchase a copy of the CD ROM set. Visit to purchase.

ONLINE BOOKS - available for browsing and downloading

  • Open Space Technology: A Brief User's Guide- - by Harrison Owen. This is the original publication that got space openeed all over the world. It has since been updated and revised a great deal. The third edition is available above.
  • Spirit: Transformation and Development in Organizations - - Harrison Owen's first book, which charted some new directions in what has become known as Organization Transformation.
  • Riding the Tiger: Doing Business in a Transforming World - - Harrison Owen bridges the gap between the thoughts relating to Spirit and Consciousness offered in Spirit and the world of Open Space Technology. The original "User's Guide" appears at the end of this book.


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