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Learn from Others before WOSonOS

When we take a class after we graduate from school, we usually call it "training". Sometimes these classes are called workshops.

Harrison Owen has suggested it can take minutes to learn how to Open Space, and a lifetime to master. He's also said that Open Space is freely available to all, and he refused to build up a certification system. What he did ask is that we bring back what we learn.

The Open Space Institute - U.S. is honored to be inviting Open Space practitioners around the world to attend the annual World Open Space on Open Space (WOSonOS), which we are convening in the Washington D.C. Area October 25-27. We hope you will also consider coming a little early and join us at the same location as the WOSonOS for "Working with Open Space Technology" by two wonderful OST facilitators and teachers from Europe, Anna Carolina Türk and Thomas Herrman.

Working with Open Space Technology

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