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June 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 
22 Jun 2021

OSI-US Board Meeting June 22, 2021

In attendance: Karen, Harold, April, Myriane

Minute of silence and then check-ins.

Some items of interest from the checkins (shared here to provide color and context for the meeting): OSHotline today, the Future of Work, Indianapolis Open Space, ODNetwork conference virtual (spirituality, music, dance, bringing in the whole person), Jabron from DC, 10 day sustainability week marvelous speakers from around the world, waiting to be let into Canada, craving connection to nature

Supporting Each Other

Have we ever considered taking a break for the summer as some board members experienced on other boards. It is not something the OSI-US board has done, but it was proposed and unanimously approved the OSI-US board skip July and August this year to foster each others health & balance. Our next meeting is September 21.

International House

Karen is still in conversation but no conclusion on their intention and the pricing. Things are opening up. May be possible to have an in-person event for Opening Space for Peace & High Performance 2022. What about a Hybrid event? Some people report success. Many are hostile to the idea. Karen has had positive experiences as a participant, but there was a lot of work behind the scenes. An international meeting in Thailand with a small number there depending on the virus, but otherwise it is advertised as a virtual.

Looking at QiqoChat - you can have communities. For us to have our community there, we can do it there, it is under that umbrella.

Garden of purpose to grow - doing more seeing finding more folks to join us.

Global nature.

Next Meeting

Next Meeting September 22, 2021 at 6-7:30pm edt.

Checkouts at 7pm edt.

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