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June, 2013 Board Notes

Meeting Date: 
16 Jun 2013

June, 2013 Board Notes


Meeting held June 17, 2013:

Present: Suzanne, David, Doug, Harold, Tricia, Karen, Jasmina.

1.5 minutes of silence.


Conversation was had around the finances for WOSonOS in Florida. OSI-US served as fiscal agent, collecting funds and disbursing as needed. Final figures will take a while to complete, and at this time it looks to be pretty much of a break even for the host team. There were large contributions in kind from the University of South Florida, by Lisa Heft and Diane Gibault and Suzanne Daigle, and many others.

Conversation was had around whether to adopt a board resolution fixing the board size at 15 in accord with the Bylaws. No action was taken.

Annual Ask letter was the next subject of conversation. Suzanne volunteered to take a look at the letter a few weeks from now. One suggestion was that in addition to reporting what we have done, to also include our intentions.

One of the prospective board members reflected that this meeting was a lot of housekeeping and that it would be nice to hear about priorities for the next year or two. There ensued a conversation about some things we wanted to do: bring OS to underserved communities; help with Ning support and blend that and OSlist together; consider the future of OS beyond HO. Tricia offered to convene a small group consideration of one or more things in our "Things to Consider" Bin. Jasmina suggested researching why OST works, and how to integrate Scrum and Agile into OST.

The next meeting is July 15.

The meeting concluded with checkouts.

Notes prepared by Doug.


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