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Board Minutes March 2018

Meeting Date: 
20 Mar 2018

In Attendance: Harold Shinsato, Karen J. Davis, Tricia Chirumbole, Mark Sheffield, Linda Stevenson

Peace & High Performance 2018

We cleared about 5K above expenses this year. Harold went over our income and expenses as a summary. The space was filled with 49 or 50, which was our contract limit.

WOSonOS 2018

We are not sure how to support WOSonOS 2018 in Iceland. Harold will ping Kari. What about future WOSonOS events? What seeds to plant? What about hosting WOSonOS 2019 in the U.S. in Dulles airport where the first WOSonOS was held. Is the Day's Inn still there? Suzanne Daigle could bring her van with stuff for D.C. It would have to be well thought out. The first WOSonOS was in '95, '94, in Dulles airport. How many years? - Michael Pannwiz video from Berlin 2010.

We might need to think about early November instead of September/October. Karen has a Chile' event in October
We should be careful about publicizing this before Iceland's event.

New Board Members

Barry Owen didn't show up today. We will consider inducting him on the board at the May meeting if he attends. If he doesn't, we might require three more consectutive months attendance. Linda is moving off the board in June. We began considering who to invite. Potential good members? We thought about attendees of the OSHotline and Peace and High Performance events. Who are some of the younger people? Andreas? Gopinah? Jose? Tom? Gopinah spent his first 17 years in India. And then came back. He is 26 now. Gopinah chose him as mentor at the last ODNetwork. Karen will explore the possibility.

Bin Gardening

Harold removed Daniel Mezick and Chuni Li from the Trello 'Bin'. Wondering about Lisa Heft.

Next Meeting - Tuesday April 17, 6-7:30pm EDT (official Tax Day)

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