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Board Minutes July 2018

Meeting Date: 
24 Jul 2018

OSIUS Board Meeting Tuesday July 24, 2018 @ 6:00-7:30 EST

Present: Kevin O'Brien, Barry Owen, Tricia Chirumbole, Harold Shinsato, Mark Sheffield

Check ins

Barry agreed to take notes

Mark was designated the “Bin Wrangler”

Mark stated the bin items we would discuss, and we dove in.

Practice of Peace 2019 update from Karen via email 7/24/2018

“As mentioned previously, if I’m able to connect tonight, it will only be a short time cuz our music festival guests and activities are underway.

In the meantime, know that the International House gathering dates are finally confirmed by them for 1820 January 2019.  I’m working on the contract with Claribel and will let Harold know when to send the deposit.

FYI, about WOSonOS:  Suzanne Daigle has had to cancel out of Iceland.

Regret not being fully with you tonight, other than in spirit!

Peace, love and laughter.

 Karen “

Harold mentioned that it would be nice to have Harrison on the big screen as was done in 2018 . . . not a fan of having 2 “Big Screen Guests” but maybe “Somebody Else” to give a talk in person with housing, transportation paid, and “$1,000” . . . Perhaps someone from Europe?

GDPR Compliance and “Membership Commmunication”

  • Harold wanting to move this forward in terms of “Opt-in” or “Opt-out” and how to do this in an effective way

  • Membership contact list is currently @ 1200 people

  • Harold and Mark talked about the possibility of Mark doing some of the “Back end Website” work in DRUPAL . . . but then there was concern that it “Breaks” easily and could create a big mess if something went wrong, so the question was: “What can we do now?

  • A good (smart and relatively easy) thing to do now would be to install a “Cookie Warning Pop-Up” to appear when users enter the site. This would communicate that “We are concerned” about safety

  • Make Opt-out visible

  • Harold mentioned that we need to have documentation of date each member opts in

  • Suggestion: Send “note” to all members “If you want to hear from us, Opt In” along with an easy button labelled “Opt-In” for them to hit. Harold indicated this might be possible in September

Sponsor WOSONOS 2018

  • What does this mean?

  • Harold asked if there is energy for this - not seeing this energy communicated

  • How many people have registered? Harold thinking not many “10 or so”

  • Resolved to reach out to Kari to learn how it’s going.

  • Harold may be not going - Barry not confirmed but “working on it”

WOSONOS in USA - Washington DC 2019

  • This is an intention to have this WOSONOS at “Home” for/with Harrison

  • We acknowledged that, if we want to do this, we have some preparation that will need to be done to to present it at WOSONOS in Iceland in October

  • And to do that, one (or more) of us OSI Board members would need to be there to present.

  • I Barry Owen have passion around this and will do some work this coming week on firming up plans to attend 2018 . . . Assuming we are a “Go!” I would propose we “mobilize the troops” here in the US to help us put together an invitation and proposal.

Sponsoring of Agile Coach Camp and Agile SOCAL

  • Harold said there are brochures already prepared, but they may need up-dating or editing.

  • Mark offered to work on this if Harold sends it to him.

  • Howard has sent the documents to all members of the OSI board along with the open invitation for anyone to offer edits.

Kevin’s game

  • Virtual Reality simulation of teams on a submarine executing missions to achieve objectives.

  • Attempting to help people collaborate virtually

  • Identify Leadership

  • Cultivate more personal Leadership

Mission and Vision of OSI US

  • Not enough time or energy remaining to do this topic justice, but were some comments

  • Hold Space for Open Space

  • The possibility of truncating mission statement to Mission questions

  • What is the meaning of Open Space vs closed space?

  • The action “Opening” versus “Closing”?

Final comments

  • Mark observed that there’s a “bottleneck” in the flow of the OSI board because so much (most) of what needs to be done relies heavily on one person - Harold

  • How do we spread this stuff out to even the load and responsibility more?

  • Suggestion surfaced to outsource some of these functions for pay

  • Mark added a card in the Bin “Sharing IT support

Checking out

Next meeting 8/21 @ 6 PM EST

Barry commented an intentional new habit: To invite Open Space into everything I do

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