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Board Minutes 4 June 2019 WOSonOS2019

Meeting Date: 
04 Jun 2019

This was a special meeting only focused on WOSonOS 2019 that the OSI-US is hosting and sponsoring.

Meeting began 6:00 pm edt

Moment of silence


Board Members Present: Barry Owen, Myriane Ouellette, Karen J Davis, Mark Sheffield, Suzanne Daigle, Harold Shinsato

Worked on abbreviating the main page for the invitation with space for more elsewhere.

Agreed to continue with the lodging plans to adjust as we go forward.

Budget - reviewed something from Tricia.

Training - we have not heard back from Anna Carolina Turk and Thomas Hermann, but we had planned on Tue-Thu Oct 22-24.

Next meeting, June 18, 6pm edt.

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