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Board Minutes 2021 January 19

Meeting Date: 
19 Jan 2021

Board Meeting Minutes for the OSI-US - January 19, 2021

Present - Harold Shinsato, Jake Yeager, Myrianne Ouellette, Barry Owen, Karen J. Davis
Guest - April Jefferson

Began with a moment of silence followed by check-ins.

Jake - Bin Gardener
Harold - Note taker

Peace & High Performance 2021

We reviewed our plans for the upcoming event January 23-25. Showed the qiqochat setup as developed so far. We can add CSS to make the Join Video button glow. Would be useful to have a video showing the process. April Jefferson has remove the tech support because she's worked through the need for it, and no longer needs it.

May be a meeting tomorrow for tech support with Lucas. Asked for availability to do support. Friday - stick to the book - with personal variations. One of our previous folks from - Helene from Paris. Everyone will have a chance to participate if they want to, even more than one person. That will evolve as we go. May need support from the board to coach these volunteers from the event participants.

Harold just saw Marc Trudeau for do a QiqoChat marketplace where he invited participants to bring markers and paper, so they can introduce their topics in the camera. Much better than just typing it into a web page. Myriane recommended doing the process twice to demonstrate. It is useful also to do the opening principles with hand drawn images of the prinicples and law.

Grant Proposal Process

Reviewed what was produced by Jake, Karen, April.

Zoom Protocols

Be careful about OSI-US Zoom account use - let each other know - or use your own accounts.

Next Meeting

February 16, 2021 - 4-6:30pm Eastern

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