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Board Minutes 2020 October 20

Meeting Date: 
20 Oct 2020

Open Space Institute - U.S. Board Meeting

Attendance: Harold Shinsato, Barry Owen, Mark Sheffield, Jake Yeager, Karen J. Davis
Absent: Myriane Ouellette

Harold note taker. Jake bin gardener.

Started about 6pm edt with a moment of silence followed by check-ins.

Zoom Link Changing: Problem with the Zoom Link change for the board meeting due to Zoom changes. Harold will fix it again after this meeting.

Flourishing Futures: $2531 net proceeds with 97 signed up. We have more sponsors lined up and more. We have a good shot still of making our target of 1000, but it will be a strong showing. The 12 from the original design team are working well. We have an additional team of helpers and facilitators. Tickets are 50% north america. 35% europe/africa/mideast. 15% Asia. Barry has more bandwidth, he can help. Karen has been spreading the word in IODA. They haven't become a sponsor yet. Karen can advertise herself. April Jefferson helped organize the Future of Work global gathering, Jake & Harold were there. The environment in QiQoChat was stunning. April will help us "sexify" the QiQoChat. They had 3-4 graphic recorders. She might be able to connect us to graphic recorders. It would be very connecting.

Peace & High Performance: In terms of 2020, Harold and Karen are still resolving it. Just a small discrepancy between Harold and Karen's accounting. For 2021, Karen sees us heading in a direction. OSonOS turned into WOSonOS. The Peace and High Performance had Harrison Owen on board after that switch. Ralph Copelman and Karen worked. Ralph changed his "cosmic address". Hesitant to bring individuals in. Somewhere along the line, the Open Space Institute had been a part indirectly became directly involved. Harold took on helping with the registration administration. Has been doing a great job. Since Suzanne became involved with the activity and the gathering. She became behind the scenes with whom Karen worked closely getting it moving. Suzanne did not want to be up front, but writing skills and newsroom, etc. Then last year for first time she was considered an official host becoming more public working together. Then working with the board. That's been a part of the evolution. Where Karen is at this point she is really seeing continuing in a similar direction, but asking the board be willing more of a consulting strategy than being involved with the direction of the whole event. That's the main thing Karen wanted to say about the organization. In terms of timing, we get an invitation out in November. It will be virtual this year. Be dynamic differences. So many of the things Karen has been involved with, the pros and cons. She is pretty sure that Lucas Cioffi will be doing the QiQoChat side of it. So that's sort of where we're at. In terms of International House, it will be April 2021 before they do any events there. And they still would like to be involved somewhere in the future, but for sure not 2021.

More context for switching OSI-US to take a consultative role. Keeping things as simple as possible, doing one less thing. Since there is a great history with Suzanne and Karen. The Institute host is around for whatever is needed. Touchy things we might need to talk with a larger group about. Previously, Karen and whoever else was involved would split the extra.

Now What?! Partnering: The board decided against partnering for flourishing futures give the design team's capacity. We probably don't want to partner in general, as a board, given the purpose of Now What?! is not the same as our mission of holding space for open space. Jake will reply we don't have capacity for Flourishing Futures for partnering. Harold will speak with Ben.

Annual Meeting: Probably simply open up our December board meeting for our member meeting.

More Board Members: We need another board member. Have that on our mind for Flourishing Futures.

Next Meeting: 17 November 2020, 6pm EST.

Check out at 5pm.

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