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Board Minutes 2020 November 17

Meeting Date: 
17 Nov 2020

Present - Karen J. Davis, Harold Shinsato, Jake Yeager

Started at 6:30pm eastern.

We had a short meeting. We voted to compensate Lucas Cioffi $250 for QiqoChat support for the Flourishing Futures event held in October. We considered several possible new board members. After the discussion of a few candidates, we agreed Harold will invite April Jefferson to go through the board on-boarding process.

For the 2021 Peace & High Performance, it will be online on QiqoChat. People get distracted a lot. They are in their home. They float in and out. Taking that into consideration when designing it. So easy to get "zoomed out", maybe it is less time (shorter blocks).

Harold will look into comparing CiviCRM versus Eventbrite. Benefits of Eventbrite is the integration with qiqochat. We can set up hidden tickets for scholarships. Benefit of CiviCRM on our website is maintaining contact and attendee relationship info, and no Eventbrite fee.

Next meeting board meeting, also Membership Meeting, December 15, 6pm est.

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