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Board Minutes

Meeting Date: 
15 Dec 2013

5:30pm EST via: Skype video chat

Participants:   Harold Shinsato, Linda Stevenson, Tricia Chirumbole, Douglas Germann, Karen Davis


1.       Quick review of our Financials by Harold

· Seems that we have about $1700 in Paypal and $3000 in our checking totaling over $4000

· Some of this money is from the sale of the Practice of Peace books – we will only know later how the numbers will come out. The books were sold almost at cost (covering shipping and handling) with only a very small portion possibly coming back to the board.

2.       Money outstanding coming in from Serbia.  We are still struggling with the bank issues and coordinating with the University of Belgrade. Payment is for training and attendance from 2013 totaling $850. This will be a donation to OSI US from Suzanne who was hosting – a quid pro quo contribution with the University of South Florida.  A tax receipt will be provided to Suzanne once this money is received.  

3.       Karen Davis talks about upcoming Open Space at International House.  Suzanne will be extending personal invitations to a number of people. We discuss who might be interested to attend.

4.       On the Open Space Website, it appears that the dates for WOSonOS 2014 are not accurate. Harold will follow-up

5.       Tricia describes new fund-raising ideas for OSI US beyond our annual ask letter. She will be sending ideas and suggestions of items that people could purchase with our OSI – US logo on it – memorabilia of sorts that OSI members might enjoy. She is working with a company that specializes in this—it would not be the intent for OSI –US to carry inventory. It would be self-organized with a small amount coming back to OSI-US per purchase.

6.       On-line book store closing
Harold initiates a conversation to inform us of that. Suzanne was unaware it even existed. Harold has been trying to get some inventory numbers. We all agree that we don’t want to be in the book business however as was the case with the Practice of Peace books, we would not want to lose precious books or materials.  Karen will be following up based on her personal relationship with one of the principals. It is anticipated that all will be closed by year-end.

Next meeting scheduled for January 21st one day later than our normal 3rd Monday of the month because of the International House Open Space that weekend.


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