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Board Meeting Notes, November, 2011
Present: Karen, Peggy, Harold, Doug, Suzanne, Christine, Lisa
Peggy will moderate
Harold bin gardner
Doug will take the notes
Opened with Silence
Checkins held
Calls with Christine, Ed, Suzanne—leave for next time
Kai Degner: never heard back, remove from bin
Add annual open member meeting: open invitation to December Board call; Harold will write the invitation and prepare for posting a financial report, in a simple format
What per cent of our Budget to devote to any one project?
Do we spend it all, first come first served? But we are not here to have a bank account....
Prefer to spend some time on awareness, and not adopt a specific policy
Articulate a few incentives; what are we intending to do with our funds; different from Access Queen; how do we make these decisions?
Not easily, complex, emergent
It was good to have a little bit of the naiveté; we'd ought to be able to be flexible to meet the needs; not sure we can be informed by the past;
Do we say there has to be an hiatus, and they have to have a year off?
Haiti does so much good work; could have used more money in Chile for the WOSONOS--that was good work too; more of a conversation of with Haiti, not shutting the door
Everybody does not have the same cultural ability to ask; both Chile and Haiti helps a lot of people for a little bit of money
Not clear what the issue is; is there some other principle that needs to be named?
May be we should have a per centage for projects; Haiti depleted our treasury; maybe 75% of our funds will go to projects; as against a Dollar amount; Need to keep it flexible; let's say they ask for 3500 and we only have 4K in the treasury
Access Queen does not just say, "OK," but says "I will see what we have"—no promises, no funding of one person twice in a row; very fluid; "I only have $X, does that mean you can still go?"
We had over $5,000 when Haiti request came in; as of now we have less than $3,000; we have Checking and PayPal accounts
We have not had a lot of requests for money; we don't have a list of projects all waiting; we need to have a conversatino with them, so they develop other opportunities; their fund raisers could be developing some fund raising, too.
Temporary conclusion: we are wanting to be as flexible as possible, but do not want to go over a certain per centage
Let's agree we do not need to talk about it more today, but want to create a placeholder; we seem to create the wheel all over again each time; and the shared willingness to let things emerge; see no reason to keep it in the bin;
We will mark it done; but there is something for us to consider this again face to face; we should put out that other people can request support; and we would probably get more donations
Suzanne will speak with John Engle about what the capacity is in Haiti to get more donations elsewhere and become selt-supporting.
December 19th is our next meeting.
Checkouts concluded the meeting