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Board Meeting Notes, February, 2012
Meeting Date:
19 Feb 2012
- Present: Doug, Karen, Harold, Suzanne, Peggy
Checkins held
Harold will be bin gardener:
- Haiti partners is done; Suzanne will send another email for completion
- Meet logo designer is done; Harold might add something to Website from the logo
- Spiritual evolution is done
Annual membership drive:
- Suzanne drafted one
- Harold is reworking it today
- want to have something by the end of the call
- move the appeal up to first paragraph
- $20 to 1500—don't set the bar too low.
Wikipedia entry:
- Not much energy to eliminate the banners
- resistance to cleaning it up—might offend people if clean it up
- Leave it in the bin, but bring in items around it, e.g., what we are doing as an institute in a very non-institutional world. Contextualizing.
- Whom do we serve and how best do we serve them?
- Difference between leadership in a hub and leadership in a hierarchy
- about invitation, attraction, questions that matter
- Need a layered approach, so people can find themselves in there.
- This conversation needs to go to the OSlist
- Maybe host a separate conversation about this.
- There is a stewardship issue here: lightly stewarding the community.
- Question needs to be larger than just cleaning up the Wikipedia entry
- Recommend to Phelim to do something separate from Wikipedia
March 19 next meeting
Checkouts held