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April 2012 Meeting

Meeting Date: 
17 Apr 2012

Present: Suzanne Daigle, Karen Davis, Harold Shinsato, Peggy Holman, Doug Germann, Phelim McDermott

Moment of silence and checkins.


 - There's a wedding coming up in her family.

Karen - Open Space with Occupy Wall Street is very much alive. Kelly McGallan faciliated out of doors which had big challenges but they did it and Karen was very pleased to be a part of it.

Harold - Used a vuvuzela to make a trumpet like call to open Missoula BarCamp's Open Space which also used warm up talks inspired by Peggy's Journalism That Matters. Perhaps it's time for the trumpet to call people to the circle for urgency. Michael Sahota was called to lead the Open Space Scrum Gathering with the title of expert in Open Space.

Peggy - It's busy time - I'm heading off to a JTM board meeting this weekend. We received our 501(c)(3) - first face to face. It's um - I'd say that's a major thing going on - JTM Work - that and we're in the midst of a house remodel.

Doug - Facilitating a group of doctors in open conversation, not exactly Open Space. Starting the conversation about end of life matters with our loved ones and our patients/clients. He's excited an ethics committee for a local hospital. Also seeing grandchildren.

Phelim  - Rebirth probably going on with his company, but still sitting in a place of not knowing. Creating a website for WOSonOS is bigger than expected, and also doing a website for his big tour of open spaces this summer to help build a kind of community network.


Corporate World and Open Space

Suzanne feels very energized for the future and is testing her courage bringing OST into the corporate world and invite them into new ways of engagement. Fascinating to see the resistances. Talking about shared leadership and self-organization. Just want to jump in even more. Ed, Christine, and Suzanne had a really terrific conversation. Suzanne is interested in convening more conversations with Maestro. Maestro has raised their prices dramatically and Suzanne called them so that they enabled keeping the price the same as last year. She feels a strong urge to have meetings in the future where the community can join in.

Old Files

Peggy has a number of our legal documents. She can scan in the documents for online sharing and blank out anything sensitive. Peggy will send them to Harold. Phelim likes that we operate along the lines of the open space philosophy and be more transparent.

Annual Elections

We agreed to have Suzanne Daigle step into the role of President. We appointed Ed LaBoy to be vice-president in absentia (if he agrees). Harold will continue to be Treasurer. Phelim stepped up to be Secretary.

Peggy is thrilled that Suzanne is stepping into the presidency - it is time for a new era.

Emeritus Board Members

Emeritus is not a role just to be called upon. The are welcome at anytime to sit in on the call, they are always welcome. The Emeritus members are Peggy Holman, Christine Whitney-Sanchez, and Lisa Heft.

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