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WOSonOS 2019

 Registration is closed for this event
The Open Space Institute of the U.S. is proud to host the 2019 World Open Space on Open Space in the Washington D.C. area.

World Open Space on Open Space. Honoring the Ineffable Spirit of Open Space Technology? ineffable. Utterly indescribable; Inspires a sense of "Awe". If you are eager for possibilities beyond current expectationss, please join us! Be prepared to be surprised! The 27th Annual World Open Space on Open Space welcomes participants to engage in Open Space Technology as a practice and a philosophy.

World Open Space on Open Space 2019
October 25-27 - Washington D.C. Area

The 27th Annual World Open Space on Open Space welcomes participants to engage in Open Space Technology as a practice and a philosophy. If you are eager for possibilities beyond current expectations, please join us.

Be prepared to be surprised!

OUR THEME - ¿Honoring the Ineffable Spirit of Open Space Technology?

(adj.) Utterly indescribable; Inspires a sense of "Awe"

Please go to our theme page to learn more about the inviting theme of our conference.

FACILITIES/LOGISTICS/DIRECTIONS - Breakfast and lunch will be included with your registration. We plan to have one shared meal Saturday night. For travel and lodging, you will need to handle that separately. We have arranged with Cherry Hill Park some options, as well as directions. For more info - visit our WOSonOS2019 Lodging & Directions page.

REGISTRATION FEE: We are offering a discount to early registrations. Please consider paying the higher level if so we can offer more discounted registrations. And if you feel you are one of the right people, please contact us if the fee is an obstacle.

FULL PARTICIPATION - The conference simply will not work with DROP-INs. So PLEASE plan to come for the whole thing. That is the only way you can possibly take advantage of all the other good folks, and for sure that is the only way they can really take advantage of you. Registration will be limited to 150 people. Given our fixed costs and limited budget, we may not be able to offer refunds. Please consider that possibility when you register.

ABOUT YOUR HOST - The Open Space Institute - U.S. has been holding space for open space since 1996. The OSI-US supports a learning community, the weekly OS Hotline online video gathering, the email system of the OSList, the annual Peace & High Performance gatherings in NYC, and more. Learn more at

The conference will take place at:

Cherry Hill Park
9800 Cherry Hill Park
College Park, MD 20740
(301) 937- 7116

Participants are invited to arrive Thursday October 24 for an evening of gathering and stories.

There are workshops planned before and after the WOSonOS you may wish to include in your journey.

Follow this link to see who has plans to come to WOSonOS 2019.

October 25th, 2019 8:30 AM to October 27th, 2019 2:00 PM
Cherry Hill Park
9800 Cherry Hill Rd
College Park, MD 20740
United States
Show large map
Event Fee(s)
Fee Options
Full $500.00
Early $425.00
Eager $350.00

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