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Board Minutes May 2012

Meeting Date: 
21 May 2012

In attendance: Suzanne Daigle, Karen David, Harold Shinsato, Phelim McDermott, Ed LaBoy, Doug Germann

Recruiting to the Board

Chuni Li - hard worker - would be delighted and honored. Karen remembered her - very focused and would be a fantastic contribution to the board. Sharon Chao - working closely with Gail. Both would be delighted to join. Karen mentioned Mikki from Estonia. Phelim mentioned Chris Corrigan, but he's too busy at the moment. Chris would be very good on the board. He's fantastic. He'd be great to have on the board. Phelim - someone met through Lisa Heft - Bhavesh Patel. Of all the people - Bhavesh seems to be aligned with understanding it. He's younger and suss out whether he'd be interested. He's not an elder. He's a youngster. He works in London - but not sure where he is in Europe - he works for a really interested organization in the UK. Suzanne will send them a note.

Arun - One Wholesome World Project

Suzanne saw it was only 35 people. I want to say yes before let me go see what this is about. Make an outreach. Do it by Skype. They were on the phone for 2 hours. So inspired by the event. The focus is about peace, talking about peace, education, environment, and economics. Not to be a woo woo event. Very grounded by what is happening in the world right now. Using a lot of open space. Appreciative Inquiry, World Cafe, and Silence. Inviting Peace and Progress. This is the first time that an Eastern country is being the igniter and inviter rather than from the West. Quickly talking about different people. John Engle type people, achievers, described them as outstanding achievers. Did not expect that. Just listening to him speak, I was in awe. He was such a positive well organized individual.

He is not asking for money - he has a philosophy - money comes - people who are willing to fund through the United States - is for tax purposes. The donors can get a benefit. Did write to Peggy Holman - that has been done in the past. If the amounts exceed $25,000 you'd need a form 990, what he would do is to advise the donors - to give instructions. This would be written out or coded - written out and coordinated.

Fiscal agent - we charged an administration fees. If it's more than - building in an admin fee...

Here it is a service in kind - nothing that costs us anything - case by case basis. Arun has been doing OS for 15-20 years. Also ok with 3-5%. 1% plus any administrative costs.

Good by party for departing board members

Maestro use on a continuing basis - starting with a walk down memory lane. Ed likes the idea - the three of them  - giving them the possibility of joining us. Keeping it open for them.

WOSonOS 2012

Phelim is starting an UK OSI in order to make it cheaper to secure the venue - relationship with US Institute will have a bearing at the WOSonOS whether that happens. Website is up and exists - it moves into another phase which is good. Very beautiful website (Suzanne).

Next Meeting

We will start 30 minutes later next month.



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