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Open Space Trainings

There are years worth of reading in books and other resources available to learn how to Open Space, but nothing is better than experience. All three of these paths have been traversed by successful Open Space practitioners.

  1. Just do it.
    Observe and reflect, notice what worked and didn't. Ask guidance from the OSList.
  2. Take a workshop – get coaching.
    There are a few upcoming workshops listed below. The Open Space Institute is beginning a listing of active teachers of Open Space that you can approach for training or coaching.
  3. Learn by helping.
    Be part of an organizing team for an Open Space. Be part of the inviting team. Help with the newsroom. Just show up early at an Open Space you are attending and volunteer on the spot to put up posters, move chairs, or even pick up coffee cups. Talk to the organizers and the facilitator. Ask what was involved. There's often a lot more going on behind the scenes, especially in the pre-work.

Here are some upcoming workshop/training options if you decide to go that route.

When Where Who URL
October 25-17, 2019 Washington D.C. Area Anna Carolina Türk & Thomas Herrman


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